1) If you use FIREFOX: At the top left of your web page, you will see the tab you have open. Next to that tab there is a plus (+) sign. Click that sign to open a new window. You can open many at once.
          OR— If  you use SAFARI: At the top of your web page on the far right side of your web browser there is a plus (+) sign. Click that sign to open a new window. You can open many.
         OR— If you use CHROMEAt the top left of your web page you will see the tab that you have open. Next to it is a horizontal "box" with rounded edges. Click that box to open a new window. You can open more than one.
          2) Google Translate. On the Google translate page you will see 3 language choices and then a down arrow. Click the down arrow to choose the language you need. NOTE: For Afghan students select “Persian”. For Syrian students select “Arabic”. You can google any country to learn what the primary language is.
          3) Open a simple text program from your computer for typing.