Learn to say “Hello” in your student’s native language.
It will mean the world to them! Just watch their smiles.
It will mean the world to them! Just watch their smiles.
[Syrian children]
Hello: Sa`laam
Good-bye: `Mah-salaam
Good-bye: `Mah-salaam
Very good: Mum`taz
Thank you: shook-`ran (soft "a", like "ah")
Excuse me: af `wan
yes: nam (soft "a", like "ah")
no: vla (soft "a", like "ah")
My name is: iss-`mee ... (a soft "c" sound)
What is your name?: `Mah-iss`mukah? (boy)
`Mah-iss `mukee? (girl)
I understand: `Taf-ham.
Do you understand? `Hell-tah-fam?
Please: min-fod-`luck (if you are a man)
Please: min-fod-leeka (if you are a woman)
[Afghan students]
Hello: Sa`laam
Very good: `AH-lee
Good-bye: Khu`dah ha`fez
Thank you: tah-sha-`kor
[Students in India]
Hello: Namaskar
Very good: KHUP chan
Good-bye: Tah. Tah.
Thank you: Dhan-ya-`vaad
[Nepal students]
Hello: nah-mas-STAY
How are you?: KASto cha?
How are you?: KASto cha?
Thank you: DAN-yah-vad
You are welcome: SWAG-a-tam
Very good: dee-RAI rahm-ro XA
See you: fairy beh-TOO-allah
You are welcome: SWAG-a-tam
Very good: dee-RAI rahm-ro XA
See you: fairy beh-TOO-allah